ADDRESS 2315 W Van Buren Phoenix Arizona 85009
CONTACT Email: Phone: 877-743-3489


CAR LEASING FOR RIDE SHARING SERVICES Help comes to those who want to help themselves, change your mindset and your whole life will change.


Maybe you are in between jobs or you are tired of working for someone else and want to have more control and flexibility in your life. We can help you with that. You can Rent / Lease a car from us and join this new GIG Economy and take more control of your life. If you are looking for a job, full time or part time we can assist. Ride sharing is one of the easiest way to make a living. Ride sharing is not for everyone and like everything else it takes time to master. However, those who are flexible and are willing to put in the time to learn the business, ridesharing is one way many people are making a living today.
With over 30 years of knowledge in the transportation business, we can help you be as successful as you want to be. We will share our knowledge, but it will be up to you to execute it and become successful. We offer support, tips and tricks that makes drivers successful. The first step to success is making sure you have signed up to as many as possible ride sharing companies, then you will need the tools to be successful. We can provide you with the tools to do just that but your must understand that to be successful you must adjust your thinking from being an employee to being self employed which is the hardest thing for most people to do. Stop by so that we can provide you with the proper support and guidance to help you get on the road to success.
Success is like breathing, you will succeed once you decide that being successful is as important as breathing. - RIDE SHARE RENTALS
Rideshare cars for lease in Phoenix
Success in the rideshare business isn’t determined per day, it is determined based on weeks and months. The business changes daily!
SAFETY If you want to be successful in this business your #1 priority has to be safety!.  Which means: No speeding, Take plenty of rest during the day,  Don’t flash cash or carry valuables with you. Getting out of the car and opening doors is not for customer service. It is to prevent a customer from getting hurt as well as a way to get some exercise during the day which is critical to your health. Follow the 5 second rule at all times. BE FLEXIBLE One of the biggest mistakes drivers make is their inability to be FLEXIBLE! As a driver you can not attempt to keep the same regular hours as your friends and family.  Drive the hours that offer the most opportunity (Prime Time) Prime time is considered from 4:00 am to 8:00 am .  If you are looking for trips to the airport this is the time that they are most likely to come out.  Transportation needs usually slow down after 10:00 am and pick back up at 1:00 pm.  Evening prime time is after 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm. This is mostly for passenger transportaton only. CUSTOMER SERVICE Customer service is an attitude not a department. Providing good customer service is an option. If you think that customer service is for the purpose of getting a tip you are wrong. Provide the service because its the right thing to do and the rest will take care of itself.  You should do this for you, because you take pride in what you do.  I can’t stress enough the importance of opening doors.  It saves you time, money, aggrevation, it’s good for you and allows you to size up your customer before they get in your vehicle. IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES  If you are going to spend time on the road then every time your vehicle isn’t moving you are losing money. We recommend that you sign up to as many as possible ride share companies so you can increase your chances of being busy at all times vs sitting around. However, if you want to sit around go to the airport. KEEP YOUR VEHICLE CLEAN There is nothing worse than driving in a dirty car. Take pride in your vehicle! You can keep it clean for less than $1.00 per day. Wash and vacum daily. There is no worse customer service than a dirty car. Keeping a car clean and smelling good says a lot about you. Do not eat or smoke in your car as customers do not want to sit in a car that stinks or that is dirty. You wouldn’t go to a dirty restaurant so don’t expect others to want to be in a dirty car. These days customers expect excellent service and that begins with the condition of you and your vehicle. DRIVING AND MAKING MONEY If you are trying to make money doing this full time then you need to understand how you get paid.  You are paid by the mile which means the wheels must be moving for you to make any money. A full time driver will need to drive at least 300 miles per day.  Most drivers begin getting tired at around 150 miles which is the reason why you must take plenty of breaks during the day and be flexible with your schedule. If you drive at least 300 miles per day you should be grossing around $250.00 with tips, minus gas depending on your vehicle. You are looking at $230.00 minus food and other expenses. Safety tip 1- When arriving at your passengers pick up location stop a few feet from them. 2- Get out of the vehicle greet your passenger look then in the eyes and open the door.  3-Pay attention to your passenger, watch their demeanor, items that they might be carrying, walking manner etc.  (Biggest reason to get out of your car and open the door) 4- Trust your gut, if you don’t feel conformable, don’t let the customer in your vehicle.  5- Have the passenger sit behind the passengers front seat and keep on eye on them.  (this is why we open the door. It is to guide them as to where they can sit.) 6- If possible engage in conversation and make sure you can see them on your back view mirror.  These tips are not only for your safety but for good customer service.  Lastly a few hundred feet from the destination unbuckle your seat belt and be ready to open the door for your passenger. The last thing you want is be buckled in the event of an incident   To be safe you do not need weapons just common sense!. RIDE SHARE CAR RENTALS
ADDRESS 2315 W Van Buren Phoenix Arizona 85009
CONTACT Mail: Phone: 877- Ride Guy


CAR LEASING FOR RIDE SHARING SERVICES Help comes to those who want to help themselves, change your mindset and your whole life will change.
Maybe you are in between jobs or you are tired of working for someone else and want to have more control and flexibility in your life. We can help you with that. You can Rent / Lease a car from us and join this new GIG Economy and take more control of your life. If you are looking for a job, full time or part time we can assist. Ride sharing is one of the easiest way to make a living. Ride sharing is not for everyone and like everything else it takes time to master. However, those who are flexible and are willing to put in the time to learn the business, ridesharing is one way many people are making a living today.
With over 30 years of knowledge in the transportation business, we can help you be as successful as you want to be. We will share our knowledge, but it will be up to you to execute it and become successful. We offer support, tips and tricks that makes drivers successful. The first step to success is making sure you have signed up to as many as possible ride sharing companies, then you will need the tools to be successful. We can provide you with the tools to do just that but your must understand that to be successful you must adjust your thinking from being an employee to being self employed which is the hardest thing for most people to do. Stop by so that we can provide you with the proper support and guidance to help you get on the road to success.


Success is like breathing, you will succeed once you decide that being successful is as important as breathing. - RIDE SHARE RENTALS
Rideshare cars for lease in Phoenix 877-RIDE GUY
SAFETY If you want to be successful in this business your #1 priority has to be safety!.  Which means: No speeding, Take plenty of rest during the day,  Don’t flash cash or carry valuables with you. Getting out of the car and opening doors is not for customer service. It is to prevent a customer from getting hurt as well as a way to get some exercise during the day which is critical to your health. Follow the 5 second rule at all times. BE FLEXIBLE One of the biggest mistakes drivers make is their inability to be FLEXIBLE! As a driver you can not attempt to keep the same regular hours as your friends and family.  Drive the hours that offer the most opportunity (Prime Time) Prime time is considered from 4:00 am to 8:00 am .  If you are looking for trips to the airport this is the time that they are most likely to come out.  Transportation needs usually slow down after 10:00 am and pick back up at 1:00 pm.  Evening prime time is after 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm. This is mostly for passenger transportaton only. CUSTOMER SERVICE Customer service is an attitude not a department. Providing good customer service is an option. If you think that customer service is for the purpose of getting a tip you are wrong. Provide the service because its the right thing to do and the rest will take care of itself.  You should do this for you, because you take pride in what you do.  I can’t stress enough the importance of opening doors.  It saves you time, money, aggrevation, it’s good for you and allows you to size up your customer before they get in your vehicle. IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES  If you are going to spend time on the road then every time your vehicle isn’t moving you are losing money. We recommend that you sign up to as many as possible ride share companies so you can increase your chances of being busy at all times vs sitting around. However, if you want to sit around go to the airport. KEEP YOUR VEHICLE CLEAN There is nothing worse than driving in a dirty car. Take pride in your vehicle! You can keep it clean for less than $1.00 per day. Wash and vacum daily. There is no worse customer service than a dirty car. Keeping a car clean and smelling good says a lot about you. Do not eat or smoke in your car as customers do not want to sit in a car that stinks or that is dirty. You wouldn’t go to a dirty restaurant so don’t expect others to want to be in a dirty car. These days customers expect excellent service and that begins with the condition of you and your vehicle. DRIVING AND MAKING MONEY If you are trying to make money doing this full time then you need to understand how you get paid.  You are paid by the mile which means the wheels must be moving for you to make any money. A full time driver will need to drive at least 300 miles per day.  Most drivers begin getting tired at around 150 miles which is the reason why you must take plenty of breaks during the day and be flexible with your schedule. If you drive at least 300 miles per day you should be grossing around $250.00 with tips, minus gas depending on your vehicle. You are looking at $230.00 minus food and other expenses.
Safety tip 1- When arriving at your passengers pick up location stop a few feet from them. 2- Get out of the vehicle greet your passenger look then in the eyes and open the door. 3-Pay attention to your passenger, watch their demeanor, items that they might be carrying, walking manner etc. (Biggest reason to get out of your car and open the door) 4- Trust your gut, if you don’t feel conformable, don’t let the customer in your vehicle. 5- Have the passenger sit behind the passengers front seat and keep on eye on them. (this is why we open the door. It is to guide them as to where they can sit.) 6- If possible engage in conversation and make sure you can see them on your back view mirror. These tips are not only for your safety but for good customer service. Lastly a few hundred feet from the destination unbuckle your seat belt and be ready to open the door for your passenger. The last thing you want is be buckled in the event of an incident To be safe you do not need weapons just common sense!.
Success in the rideshare business isn’t determined per day, it is determined based on weeks and months. The business changes daily!
Rideshare Cars